West Coast Quartz
USA diversified into silicon growing many years ago at our factory in Fremont California
and upon a solid foundation of equipment, infrastructure, and experience, we have built a
significant silicon raw materials business into WCQ Silicon Division. Our crystal growing
personnel have a combined experience approaching 100 years producing semiconductor grade
silicon ingots.
We offer low resistivity, high resistivity,
and medium resistivity boron doped P-type, 111 orientation and 100 orientation material.
We grow single and poly crystal in our CZ furnaces
and will be expanding our capacity by 20% in 2018. Customers rely on West Coast Quartz for
state-of-the-art VLD very large diameter ingots up to 580mm OD.
Our highly pure silicon makes its way into the
top semiconductor manufacturing factories around the world, military and aerospace applications
and onto tinted automobile windows, over flat panel displays, and into clean energy for
photovoltaic solar panels.